Wednesday, 4 December 2019


After linkage, we could recover 10, records, leaving only incomplete fields, which is equivalent to a reduction of Despite advances in the coverage and quality of birth and death information systems in recent decades, the results of this study reinforce the existence of limitations. The number of children born alive and the number of stillbirths, variables related to maternal parity, had good completeness in the SIM and excellent completeness in the SINASC for all capitals. On average, the capitals of the South and Southeast regions presented better results in the linkage of the databases, while this result was lower in the capitals of the North region Table 1. In the North region, four of the seven capitals had greater probability of non-linkage between databases. Cad Saude Publica ; 25 7: In the analysis of completeness of the 11 variables common to the analyzed systems, we found 11, unknown or unfilled fields in total, being 9, sim sinasc

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Cad Saude Publica ; 25 sinaec Length of pregnancy remained as The monitoring and evaluation of the compliance with the millennium goal of reducing infant mortality implies the availability and adequacy of health information, which is still a challenge to be faced by the health sector in the Americas 2. Cad Saude Publica ; 20 1: The city of birth wim significantly associated with the death component in the quality of the information.

Use of linkage to improve the completeness of the SIM and SINASC in the Brazilian capitals.

Cad Saude Publica ; 22 3: This last one expresses slnasc subgroups of the age of death of children under one year, classified as neonatal from zero to 27 days of life or post-neonatal from 28 days to one year of life. Rev Bras Est Pop ; 22 1: The databases were related with linkage in two steps — deterministic and probabilistic.

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Of the 9, deaths of children under one year registered in the Brazilian capitals inwe could relate Rev Bras Crescimento Desenvolv Hum sinssc 21 3: Number of live births by source of information, year of registration and the ratio of coverage between and The occupation of the mother had the poorest quality, with For this it is necessary for the SINASC to have a good quality of data coverage, filling, typing, coding and correction.

This task is often delegated to the technical-administrative personnel of the health establishment 18 After linkage, seven variables were identified with excellent completeness in all cities in the SINASC, with the exception of race, occupation of the mother, number of stillbirths, and length of pregnancy.

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in ism medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In this perspective, this study aimed to analyze the contribution ssim linkage between databases of live births and infant mortality to improve the completeness of the variables common to the SIM and the SINASC in Brazilian capitals in The analysis of the health situation and planning actions to reduce child mortality is provided by the availability of information of adequate quality.

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In the capitals of the North region, the average of pairs was P Marchesini and CRF Marinho participated in the planning of the study, interpretation of results, and design and final text. Periodic evaluations are necessary, at both the municipal and state levels, to assess xim ability of obtaining information on births - in quantitative and qualitative terms zinasc as well as on other demographic and epidemiological data from the DNV 9 9.

The variable weight showed an increase of "not declared" in Cruzeiro do Sul and a reduction in Porto Walter Figure 2.

Introduction to datasus

Cad Saude Publica ; 25 6: The inclusion criterion for both winasc was the municipality of residence of the mother. The variables of occupation of the mother, length of pregnancy, education level of the mother, and race were categorized as regular, poor, or very poor in more than half of the cities studied. Cad Saude Publica ; 25 3: Available variables for data tabulation. After the linkage of the databases, six variables became excellent in all cities in the SIM, namely: The occupation of the mother had poor completeness in Belo Horizonte and Natal, and regular in six cities Table 3.

Coverage was estimated comparing the Civil Register office statistics in accordance with the mother's municipality of residence. N is the total number of registered births. The issuance and distribution of these forms to the State Health Secretaries is a responsibility only of the Ministry of Health 1 1. Cad Saude Publica ; 26 4: The variable of number of stillbirths was excellent in 26 capitals, except in Palmas.

In the average of all the regions, we observed a predominance of the deterministic linkage, which is more expressive in the South region.

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